Impact: From ESG to ROI

By: Megan Starr
Graph of trendline pointing upwards

As businesses and investors continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, we want to help your organization understand how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) competencies and trends are evolving. In this episode of the Building Better podcast, our Global Head of Impact Meg Starr provides a nuanced perspective on what your organization should know about impact and ESG integration during this crisis period.

In less than 20 minutes, Meg Starr shares insights on:

  • How ESG can be used as a “business improvement tool” during times of dislocation,
  • What specific business outcomes can be driven by a sophisticated approach to ESG integration, and
  • What types of ESG data your organization should pay the most attention to

Listen to the Building Better podcast and enhance your understanding of how ESG can lead to improved ROI.